New York Times: Social Media Policy

Wie bei Pointer Online nachzulesen ist, hat die New York Times inzwischen eine Social Media Policy. Aus meiner Sicht ist das ein positives Zeichen dafür, dass renommierte Medienunternehmen das Thema “Social Media” inzwischen sehr ernst nehmen.


Be careful not to write anything on a blog or a personal Web page that you could not write in The Times (…) Anything you post online can and might be publicly disseminated, and can be twisted to be used against you by those who wish you or The Times ill (…) Just remember that we are always under scrutiny by magnifying glass and that the possibilities of digital distortion are virtually unlimited, so always ask yourself, could this be deliberately misconstrued or misunderstood by somebody who wants to make me look bad?

Pointer Online: New York Times’ Policy on Facebook and Other Social Networking Sites

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