“Social Media” bald auch als Studienfach

"Social Media" bald auch als Studienfach

So langsam scheint sich das Thema “Social Media” zu etablieren. Zumindest lässt sich das aus dem Umstand schließen, dass die Birmingham City University ab September 2009 einen MA in Social Media als einjährigen Kurs für 4.400 Pfund anbietet.

Wer gehört zur Zielgruppe?

If you are a media or cultural studies graduate, have experience in the web, PR, or marketing industries, and want an opportunity to explore the emerging area of social media through scholarly research or practice (…)

Zu welchen Jobs soll der Kurs befähigen?

  • Become a social media consultant (and understand what that means);
  • Develop innovative and low cost communication strategies for third sector organisations using social media tools;
  • Develop innovative and alternative media projects;
  • Work with existing mainstream media organisations as they develop social media strategies;
  • Enhance your skills and contribute to the development of new professional practice in PR, marketing communications and web design;
  • Continue to develop a scholarly interest in social media as part of a further research degree;
  • Contribute to the development of the social media industry.

via: Basic Thinking
Bild: CarbonNYC

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