E-Books sollten nicht nur 1:1-Kopien von Print-Büchern sein

E-Books sollten nicht nur 1:1-Kopien von Print-Büchern sein

Alle klagen über E-Books:

Meine Ansicht dazu habe ich hier skizziert. Ich denke, dass die Kundenperspektive entscheidend ist. Andere sehen das ähnlich:

How to set e-books prices? A trained economist speaks out
In most cases, the final price of a good is determined by the perceived value of the product to the buyer, not the production cost.

Doch was tun, wenn die Kunden der Meinung sind, digitale 1:1-Kopien von gedruckten Büchern seien einen Preis “nah am Hardcover” nicht wert? Ein sinnvoller Weg könnte sein, den Wert der E-Books zu steigern, indem man sie “anreichert”:

I daresay the idea of taking an existing print book, turning it into ASCII characters, and throwing it up on the Internet is a rather primitive concept of an e-book. The price of these offerings will rightly be driven to their marginal cost, zero. True e-book value is created by friendly and extensive navigation and search capabilities, graphics, tables, references and notes, indexing and appendices. Even greater value will be created when the reader can manipulate content and share it easily with others.

Wir sehen auch schon Akteure am Markt, die versuchen, ihre Angebote in diese Richtung zu entwickeln:

Book and Beyond – Premium ebooks from Random House
Book and Beyond premium ebooks are a selection of titles from Random House that contain extra material, which can be video, audio, a quiz or just extra text.

Penguin Enriched eBooks
The enriched format invites readers to go beyond the pages of these beloved works and gain more insight into the life and times of an author and the period in which the book was originally written—it’s a rich reading experience.

Harlequin: Enriched eBooks


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