Interessante Aktion: Über das Internet vernetzt sein – mal anders

Kacie Kinzer hat sich eine schöne Aktion ausgedacht, die das Internet auf originelle und unaufdringliche Weise zur Vernetzung von Menschen nutzt:

there chair

My parents always sit in the same chairs at home, leaving two empty ones at the table where my brother and I used to sit. So, there’s an empty chair waiting for me at the table in my parent’s house, but there is also a chair in my apartment in New York that is usually full–I do everything there, I eat there, I work on my laptop there. There Chair is a project which connects me to my parents through these two chairs. Whenever I am sitting in my spot in my apartment in New York, a light glows in my chair back home– conveying my presence to my parents as they go about their day. There Chair allows my parents to feel connected to me in a way that is more subtle than, for example, a phone call or instant messaging. In seeing the light at different times of the day, they will get a sense of where I am and what I am doing that is reminiscent of the simplicity of physical presence which people take for granted when they live together…

Interessante Aktion: Über das Internet vernetzt sein - mal anders

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