Link-Tipp: Überblick zu E-Commerce-APIs

Bei ProgrammableWeb hat Marc Mezzacca einen interessanten Überblicksbeitrag zum Thema E-Commerce-APIs geschrieben:

Breaking Down E-Commerce APIs

These APIs play a crucial role in the way transactions occur now and will even more so going forward. In the future our refrigerators will tell us what foods are missing and we’ll be able to connect to Peapod or FreshDirect to refill our needs right from the LCD screen on the door panel. If we are sick and can’t wait, we’ll be able to connect to Zaarly to have a local neighbor go pick it up for us and PoundPay will deposit funds as soon as we confirm the delivery. Behind the scenes the E-Commerce APIs will handle all the dirty work and provide a smooth and seamless end-user experience.

Link-Tipp: Überblick zu E-Commerce-APIs

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