Vorträge: 60 Videos von und für Community-Profis vom CMX Summit 2019

CMX Summit

“At the start of September, Over 1,000 community professionals gathered in Redwood City at CMX Summit 2019 to learn from the top experts in the industry. The community industry’s largest conference brought together the best and the brightest to learn how companies are investing in meaningful, scalable community programs. Over 70 speakers took our three stages, giving presentations and dropping knowledge in awesome panel conversations. We’re excited to share all of these talks with the world, for free, and contribute to the widespread distribution of this knowledge.”

Bei CMX gibt es eine Auswahl von Vortragsmitschnitten und hier die ganze Playlist. Der CMX Summit 2020 findet am 9. und 10. September in Redwood City, CA, statt.

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