Netflix: Mein Lehrer, der Oktopus // Doku-Empfehlung von Kevin Kelly

Kevin Kelly dazu in seinem Newsletter:

»This is one of the best documentaries I have ever seen. Yet nothing about its subject would suggest greatness. My Octopus Teacher is about a tired middle-age man who befriends a small octopus in a South African kelp reef. He visits the octopus every day for a year (while filming it), and what he learns from the octopus is oceanic. This tiny creature is otherworldly, a superhero alien from another galaxy, and her life connected to the particular reef expands until it fills the universe. Everything is divinely photographed. Must see.«

Info dazu:

»Ein Filmemacher schließt in einem südafrikanischen Algenwald eine überraschende Freundschaft mit einem Ok­to­pus, der ihn in seine geheimnisvolle Welt eintauchen lässt.«

(85 min)

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