Jeff Bezos: Auch gutmeinende Gatekeeper behindern Innovationen

Das nenne ich ein klares Statement vom Amazon-Chef Jeff Bezos:

I am emphasizing the self-service nature of these platforms because it’s important for a reason I think is somewhat non-obvious: even well-meaning gatekeepers slow innovation. When a platform is self-service, even the improbable ideas can get tried, because there’s no expert gatekeeper ready to say “that will never work!” And guess what – many of those improbable ideas do work, and society is the beneficiary of that diversity.

Dazu passt die Feststellung von Roger Martin, dass die “Beweispflicht” in Unternehmen ein Innovationshemmnis sei:

Most companies try to be innovative, but the enemy of innovation is the mandate to “prove it.” You cannot prove a new idea in advance by inductive or deductive reasoning.

Da fügt es sich nur zu gut ins Bild, dass die Amazon-Tochter Audible aktuell “self-service” für Hörbuch-Autoren erprobt und somit die Wertschöpfungskette weiter abdeckt: Amazon-owned Audible: Hey authors, want $20 million?

The Amazon-owned digital audiobooks site is launching a new program, “Audible Author Services,” that pays audiobook authors $1 per sale through,, and iTunes, out of a $20 million fund. The audiobook publishers do not receive any of the funds. To sign up, authors must make their titles available as audiobooks through

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