Vortrag von Andreas Weigend: “Taking Data Seriously”

Vortrag von Andreas Weigend: "Taking Data Seriously"

Unten finden Sie einen interessanten Vortrag von Andreas Weigend mit dem Titel: “Taking Data Seriously”, den er auf der Supernova 2009 gehalten hat:

We are awash in unprecedented oceans of information, but few organizations are able to use it effectively. What business opportunities and policy innovations will become possible with better collection, aggregation, analysis, dissemination, and sharing of data?

Über Andreas Weigend:

Andreas Weigend is the former Chief Scientist at Amazon.com and an expert in data mining and computational marketing. As an independent consultant, he now helps data-intensive organizations make strategic decisions based on analytics and metrics. His applied research is in fields including behavioral economics, time series analysis, and computational finance. He served as Amazon.com’s Chief Scientist until January 2004, where he developed data mining techniques and designed applications including customer network and lifecycle analysis.

Der Vortrag (10 min.):


Mehr von Andreas Weigend:

John Callahan von MySpace über personalisierte Werbung und Social Media
Andreas Weigend und Ted Shelton über Konsequenzen des Medienwandels


Bildquelle: Wikipedia (CC-Lizenz)

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