Digital Competence and Future Skills
How companies prepare themselves for the digital future
The world is changing continuously and rapidly – especially for companies. In this volatile environment, there is much talk about the need to build digital competence, future skills and lifelong learning. To remain competitive, 21st century executives, departments and HR managers must succeed in empowering employees and management for the future. To do this, competencies must be managed holistically and dynamically, learning systems require consistent further development, and a learning culture must emerge that creates motivational moments for the company‘s own employees and customers. Building digital competence is not a short-term training project of the typical kind; rather, a holistic approach is needed that affects all areas of the company and raises numerous questions:
– What is digital competence?
– How to define it? How to measure it?
– Which people need which digital skills?
– Who is responsible for this skill revolution?
– How do we learn digital skills?
– What is the role of HR?
– How do new learning ecosystems emerge?
This unique book provides comprehensive insight into the future of competencies and learning and the transformation of business. For the first time, leading companies from a wide range of industries around the world provide concrete insights into their comprehensive approaches to transformation, competence management, culture change, and learning and development. In addition, leading scientists and institutions use the latest research findings to assess where we are today and what is to come in the future.
About the Publishing Editor
Dr. Philipp Ramin is a leading expert on digital transformation and future skills. With his company the Innovation Center for Industry 4.0 in Regensburg, Germany, which he founded whilst completing his Ph.D. on the topic of discontinuous innovation and digital business models, he trains more than 200,000 employees in 9 languages for leading companies from a wide range of industrial, business and financial sectors in more than 14 countries worldwide and has prepared a number of internationally recognized studies, for example on digitalization, artificial intelligence, digital competence. The Innovation Center for Industry 4.0 team, which was also instrumental in realizing this book, develops individual qualification solutions in the area of digitalization and Industry 4.0 for leading companies worldwide, including complete continuing education curricula and learning strategies as well as AR/VR solutions or complete digital online learning systems and competence management programs.
In 2022, together with one of his clients in the automotive sector, Philipp Ramin’s company was awarded the recognized “Project of the Year” eLearning Award for Instructional Design by Germany’s leading publisher in this field, elearning Journal for a state-of-the art digital competence upskilling program with high acceptance, artificial intelligence supported gamification elements and proven and measured acceleration of the transformation process.
The authors of this book:
Dr. Philipp Ramin, CEO, Innovationcenter for Industry 4.0 (
Silvio Andrae, German Savings Banks Association, Associate Director
Prof. Dr. Daniel Beimborn, Otto-Friedrich-University of Bamberg, Chair and Full Professor of Information Systems Management at the University of Bamberg
Felicitas Birkner, Fujitsu, Head of Fujitsu Academy, Central Europe, Vorsitzende Fachausschuss Bitkom Frauen in der Digitalwirtschaft, Advisory Board Member Asian European Society, Certified MBTI Beraterin, Certified NLP Trainerin&Certified Systemic Coach, P. e.P. Lebensmomente Beraterin&Coach, Buchautorin
Kim Leonardo Böhm, University Duisburg-Essen, Researcher and Lecturer
Sebastian Borchers, Continental AG, Head of Talent Management&Organizational Development Germany, Head of Continental Institute of Technology and Transformation (CITT)
Sebastian Kiefer, Otto-Friedrich-University of Bamberg, Data Scientist, Doctoral Researcher and Data Scientist at Datev eG.
Prof. Dr. Michael Dowling, University of Regensburg, Chair – Innovation and Technology Management; Faculty of Business, Economics, Information Systems&Real Estate, University of Regensburg; Chairman of the Board, Münchner Kreis – Association for Communications Research
Martin Dowling, MBN GmbH PROLED, General Manager
Kathrin Droste, Volksbank Mittweida eG, Head of the organisation development/HR department
Dr. Wolfgang Gallenberger, Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen, HR Expertise Center
Yannick Hildebrandt, Otto-Friedrich-University of Bamberg, PhD student at the Information Systems Group, Otto-Friedrich-University of Bamberg
Dr. Jürgen Hollatz, Siemens, Head of Siemens Professional Education Germany – Region South
Beate M. Kreiner, MSc, MBA, BOLD Enterprise Business-, Organizational-&Leadership Development GmbH, Founder and CEO
Angela Luft, FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences, Business coach and consultant, PhD candidate
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Nils Luft, FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences, Professor Intralogistics in Manufacturing Companies
Dr. Lutz Marten, IBM Deutschland GmbH, IBM Transformation&Culture, Squad Leader Europe&MEA, Learning&Leadership Development
Dr. Elvire Meier-Comte, Airbus Defence&Space, Vice President Head of HR, Airbus DS Operations
Annika Müller de Vries, Deutsche Bundesbank, Bundesbank Principal, Head of Training Section, Directorate General Economic Education, University and International Central Bank Dialogue
Dr. Rahild Neuburger, LMU Munich, MÜNCHNER KREIS e.V, Senior Lecturer at the LMU Munich and General Manager at MÜNCHNER KREIS
Prof. Dr. habil Robert Neumann, BOLD Enterprise Business-, Organizational-&Leadership Development GmbH, Founder and CEO
Barbara Ofstad, Siemens, Head of Siemens Professional Education Germany
Luise Ortloff, acatech – National Academy of Science and Engineering, Head of National Economy, Education and Labor/Policy Advisor
Dr. Herbert Prickarz, Robert Bosch GmbH, Business Chief Digital Office BBM
Dr. Erich Renz, PD – Berater der öffentlichen Hand, Consultant
Dr. Alexander Röck, Robert Bosch GmbH, Head of Corporate Data Strategy
Andrea Schindler, Continental AG, Global HR Project Manager&HR Business Partner
Prof. Dr. Ute Schmid, Otto-Friedrich-University of Bamberg, Professor of Applied Computer Science and Cognitive Systems at University of Bamberg, Head of the Fraunhofer IIS Project Group Comprehensible AI
Katharina Schüller, STAT-UP Statistical Consulting&Data Science GmbH, CEO&Founder
Nils Stamm, Deutsche Telekom, CDO
Andrea Stich, Infineon Technologies AG, Director Frontend Academy
Dr. Laura Stiller, IBM Deutschland GmbH, Senior Consultant
Katharina Winkler, acatech – National Academy of Science and Engineering, Policy Advisor/Scientific Consultant
Grit Zimmer, Volksbank Mittweida eG, Member of the Organisation Development Team
Prof. Leonhard Zintl, Volksbank Mittweida eG, CEO
Heiko Schmidt, Audi AG, Head of Dealer Development/Training Sales
Christiane Nicolai, Audi AG, Training manager for specialists and managers after-sales, digital learning design and gamification
Caroline Heide, Coca-Cola Europacific Partners, P&C Digital Innovation Lead
Anna Simon, Coca-Cola Europacific Partners, Referent Capability Development, People&Culture
Ann-Kathrin Heinemann-Becker, Atlas Copco, Vice President People&Culture Vacuum Technique Service Division, Atlas Copco Group AB
Nina Rauwald, Atlas Copco Vacuum Technique Business Area, Manager Talent, Learning&Development
Daniel Breitinger, BITKOM e.V., Education Policy&Public Affairs Officer
Steffen Fischer, German Association of Personnel Managers e. V. Berlin (BPM)/ifm electronic, CHRO ifm group services gmbh&Executive Board Member, Head of the Strategic Personnel Management Specialist Group at the German Association of Personnel Managers e. V. Berlin (BPM)
Andrea Alboni, Universal Robots (Germany) GmbH, General Manager Western Europe
Sven Krüger, Universal Robots (Germany) GmbH, Global Master Trainer, Industry Program
Dirk von Gehlen, SZ Institut/Süddeutsche Zeitung, Director Think Tank, SZ-Institut Süddeutsche Zeitung
Dr. Roland A. Stürz, Bavarian Research Institute for Digital Transformation (bidt), Head of Think Tank Bavarian Research Institute for Digital Transformation (bidt)
Milaid Stephan, AstraZeneca Germany, Head of Capability Development
Jana Sonntag, AstraZeneca Germany, Vice President Innovation&Business Excellence
Roman Gaida, Wirt.-Ing., MBA, Mitsubishi Electric CNC, Head of Division EMEA, Mechatronics CNC
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